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Relax Kids

Today with Joanne we got a classmate to give us a snow drop massage! We had to let our friend know how it felt. We danced to music, did our breathing exercises and then cleared our mind, relaxed our bodies and listened to a calming story.

Weather instruments

Today in class we had to follow instructions to make a rain gauge. We recycled a plastic bottle to do this. Once we had made the rain gauge we had to use a ruler to mark on the scale. Tomorrow we are going to find a great place in our playground to place our instruments. We are going to monitor the weather for a week and make a note of the amount of rainfall, temperature, wind direction and weather type.

Relax Kids

Today we had Relax Kids in for another session. Joanne is teaching us techniques to help us relax if we feel worried or nervous. We have being trying to do massage on our selves, think of positive affirmations and do breathing techniques to help us be ‘just right’ for learning. It is so relaxing, some people have even fell asleep! Thank you Joanne!

Measuring with metre sticks
Today Primary 3 were introduced to the standard unit - a metre. They had to measure different items and work out if it was longer, shorter or about a metre.

Ice Investigation

Today primary 3 and 4 were investigating ice. We used thermometers to see what temperature it was and magnifying glasses to see what it looked like up close. We also added heat to see what happens. We discussed why different areas of the playground had ice and other parts didn’t. 

3D Shapes

Today Primary 3 and 4 were learning about 3D shapes. Different learning stations were set up around the room in which the children rotated round. They made 3D shapes from straws and frameworks as well as completed shape properities and matched 3D shapes to their name on the iPad.

Sorting with Venn Diagrams

Today primary 3 were sorting a range of objects using a Venn diagram. Primary 3 had to choose how they were going to sort their objects. 

Santa Letters

Today we had a very important delivery to make. We had to deliver our Santa letters to the post box. In our literacy we wrote super letters telling Santa all about what we hope to get. We also told Santa all the lovely things we have been doing all year to ensure we are on the good list. 🎄🎅🏻

Fun Weighing

Today primary 4 were using weighing scales to weigh different objects. They then had to sort the objects which were heavier than 1kg, lighter than 1kg or 1kg. 


Speech Marks

This week we were exploring speech marks. We had to hunt out the spoken words and then put on the speech marks - macaroni pasta around the spoken words. We had a lot of very keen learners.

Green Fingers

This week we joined up with Miss Adamson’s class to make planters. This is part of our eco school pledge to help the bees in our environment. 

📏✨ This week's math adventures in P3 and P4 are all about measuring! P3 kiddos are on a quest with non-standard units like hand spans, cubes, and paper clips 🤲🧊📎, while P4 maestros wield the mighty meter stick! 📏🌟 The excitement doesn't stop there – both classes are honing their estimation skills before diving into precise measurements! 🤔📐

First Day at School
