As part of our gymnastics topic, we have been focusing on various skills such as making shapes, travelling and balance. Today we worked on our balance, moving forwards, backwards and sideways on different surfaces.
During our winter topic, we discovered how difficult it can be for birds and others animals to find food. Primary 2 and 3 went outside and observed lots of birds in our area. We then decided to make bird feeders and place them around our playground. We hope the birds enjoy them!
This week in Literacy we have been learning to write lists. P3 have also been learning to add commas to their lists. We had great fun writing on our desks and using pasta for the comma!
Christmas Story ✨
The children used the Just 2 Easy app to illustrate and type part of the Christmas story.
Describing Fruit 🍊🍋🍍🍌🥑🥭
The boys and girls used their senses to describe some of the fruits from the book Handa’s Surprise. We thought of lots of great adjectives such as bitter, sour, smooth and bumpy to name a few.
A big thank you to Lauren for visiting primary 2/3 to tell us all about the amazing work they do in our local area. It was lovely seeing photos and videos of some cats, dogs, wildlife and birds they have rescued and rehomed.
Gardening with Kieran! 🧑🌾
A big thank you to Kieran for sharing his wealth of knowledge on bees and flowers. He then helped the boys and girls pot some flowers which they got to take home. What a fabulous experience!
Float or sink! ⛴🛳🛶⛵️
To bring our transport topic to a close, the children worked together to design and build a boat that would (hopefully!) float. We used a range of junk art materials to make our boats then tested them at the water tray. It was interesting to see which everyday household objects would stay afloat!
Annie Londonderry
As part of our transport topic, P2/3 have been learning about Annie Londonderry. She was the first woman to cycle around the world. We used the app ‘Chatterkids’ to take a photo of Annie then recorded our voices pretending to be her. This was a lot of fun! Have a listen to some of our recordings.
This term we are looking at how colours can blend and mix together. For the first session, we added water to skittles and watched the them blend together. Then we used pipettes to drop water on felt tip pen which also made the colours blend together. We had lots of fun partipcting in these experiments.
Play Based Learning - Transport 🚙✈️🚛🏎
This term we will be focusing on our handling skills. This week we were using beanbags to throw and catch and balance them on various body parts. 🏃🏻♀️🏃🏼