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3D Shape Fun

This week our focus was 3D shapes. We had to make 3D shapes, identify properties, sort and name 3D shapes. Look at those happy faces learning!

Today we were exploring household items that were used in the past. We had many giggles at what some people thought the items were. After we went up to our school museum to look at lots of items from the Mill, WW1 and WW2. 

Today we went for a walk around Bessbrook. Mrs Laverty was the tour guide and told us lots of information about Bessbrook in the past. We took photos of familiar places in Bessbrook and wrote on what they used to be. 

In I.C.T we have been typing a poem about ‘Back to School’ on the laptops. We also had great fun using and exploring on google maps, on the iPads, to explore Bessbrook. Some people even found their house!

In art we have been looking at the work of Paul Horton. An artist from Birmingham. He often has heart smoke or clouds in his pictures as he loves his home and feels safe there. Our imitations are going to look great when they are finished!
